Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Every book has a Journey, will you be apart of it?

Hello, and welcome to Alisha's Book Stop. My name is Alisha Guenzel. I'm a romance novelist by trade. But I love reading books. Withing this blog you will find many things. Books I've read, reviews I've written. And even showcases I have done for all kinds of Authors.

I correlate with The Owl Branch Promotion company. They are a great group of authors that love to see everyone succeed at what we do, write! The best part of being a writer is helping others when you can. And that's what I do. I do this out of the kindness of my heart. Because I love books. I love Indie Authors and their dream of being a best seller one day. There are so many creative people out there and I love being apart of it. With that being said Welcome to Alisha's Book Stop, I hope you stay awhile